HYoo Lab
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT

Group picture taken on April 24, 2024.

Heejin Yoo, Ph.D.
Principle Investigator
Assistant Professor, The University of Utah (2022.01-)
Assistant Professor, Oklahoma State University (2019.8-2021.12)
Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University (2014.8-2019.8)
Ph,D., Purdue University (2008.8-2014.5)
B.S., Seoul National University (2004.3-2008.2)
heejin.yoo at utah.edu
Postdoc associate since 2023.09
Dr. Kyounghee Lee

Ph.D. student, HYOO lab since 2023.05
Lorenzo Mena
Ph.D. student, HOO Lab since 2023.05

Postbac, HYOO lab researcher since 2023.01
Mariana Lico De Freitas

Jiyeon Hyun

Saoirse Kerr
Undergraduate researcher since 2024.10

Hunter David Rose
Undergraduate researcher since 2024.08
Akila Chalapathi

Undergraduate researcher since 2022.03

SRI Undergraduate researcher since 2024 Spring
Lauren Thompson

SRI Undergraduate researcher since 2024 Spring
Nathan Michlig

Andrew Butler
SRI Undergraduate researcher since 2024 Spring

Payton Carlile
SRI Undergraduate researcher since 2024 Spring

Victoria (Tori) MC Knight
Undergraduate researcher since 2024.08
Aiden Jihoon Yoo
Yoo Family & Yoo Labs' key personnel
Main affilation: Uintah Elementary School
School of Biological Science, University of Utah
Rotation students
​ School of Biological Sciences
Biological Chemistry Program
Lauren Eads
Kate Christensen

2022.10 - 2022.12
2022.10 - 2022.12

Colton Gschwandtner
2024.1 -2024.2
Research Assistant
Postdoc Associate

Saborni Maiti, Ph.D.
Samuel Marston

Coby Wellman
2024.8 -2024.10
Undergraduate Students
2022.08 - 12

Claire Sailoung

Janint Camacho
Kara Nicola
Ella Smith
Yu-An (Andy) Chan

Haley Welker

Alyssa Marie Curtis
2024.05-09 as a postbac
High School Student
Oklahoma State University
Graduate Students

Amanda Navodani
Rabia Ahuja
Master's students - degree earned in August 2023
2021.01 - 2023.08
*Summer intern at University of Utah
Rabia - 2023 Summer /Amanda - 2022 and 2023 Summer
2019.09 - 2020.05
Undergraduate Students

2020.08 - 12
Maddi Evans
2020.01 - 2021.05
Emma Philbin
2020.01 - 12
Eli Valentine
2021.10 - 12
Darci Peach
High School Students
Morrison High School

Vanesa Bedolla
Kylie Spradling
Undergraduate Students

Zoe Siebert
2019.09 - 2021.12

Kelsey Crutison
Rachel Crittell
2019.09 - 2021.12

Stephanie C.
Ryan Lundy
Megan Adler
2020.08 - 2021.05
2021.01 - 05
, 2021.1-12
2019 Fall


2020 Spring

2020 Fall

2021 Spring & Summer

2021 Fall

2022 Spring & Summer

2022 Fall semester

2023 Spring semester

2023 Fall semester
Plant Metabolism and Immunity
We are interested in studying the dynamic regulation of plant metabolism and immunity for balancing plant growth and defense. Our research is focused on how plants coordinate metabolic pathways and defense mechanisms to optimize plant growth and defense. Since plants do not have specialized immune cells, plants need to allocate their energy and resource properly to either growth or defense depending on environmental conditions. Our research is to understand the underlying mechanisms through transcriptional and translational regulation, and metabolic dynamics during plant innate immunity. This research will ultimately enhance our knowledge of molecular mechanisms and interactions between defense signaling and metabolic regulation to optimize or maximize crop yield and disease resistance. Specifically, projects in our lab include; 1) Global translatome analysis using ribosome profiling during plant systemic immunity, 2) Functional analysis of metabolic pathways during plant immune response, and 3) the role helper NB-LRR for plant immune mechanisms.
Global Translatome analysis using ribosome profiling during plant systemic immunity
Functional analysis of metabolic pathways during plant immune response
The role of helper NB-LRR for plant immune mechanisms
September 13, 2024
L Cao, Karapetyan S, H Yoo, T Chen, M Mwimba, X Zhang, X Dong. (2024) Science

January 17, 2022
The rice heavy metal transporter OsNRAMP1 regulates disease resistance by modulating ROS homeostasis
Chu C, Huang R, Liu L, Tang G, Xiao J, Yoo H, and Yuan M. (2022) Plant, Cell & Environment
August 17, 2021
Yoo H*, Shrivastava S*, Lynch JH*, Huang D, Widhalm JR, Guo L, Carter BC, Qian Y, Maeda HA, Ogas J, Morgan JA, Marshall-Colón A, and Dudareva N. (2021) The Plant Journal *Co-first authors

January 6, 2020
Yoo H*, Greene GH*, Yuan M*, Xu G, Burton D, Liu L, Marqués J and Dong X. (2020) Molecular Plant

May 17, 2017
Xu G*, Greene GH*, Yoo H*, Liu L, Marqués J, Motley J and Dong X. (2017) Nature 545:487–490

September 10, 2015
Widhalm JR, Gutensohn M, Yoo H, Adebesin F, Qian Y, Longyun G, Rohit J, Joseph HL, McCoy RM, Shreve JT, Thimmapuram J, Rhodes D, Morgan JA, and Dudareva N. (2015) Nat. Comm. 6:8142

July 28, 2015
Zheng XY*, Zhou M*, Yoo H*, Pruneda-Paz JL, Spivey NW, Kay SA and Dong X. (2015) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112:9166-9173

November 23, 2013
Yoo H, Widhalm J, Qian Y, Maeda H, Cooper BR, Jannasch AS, Gonda I, Lewinsohn E, Rhodes D, and Dudareva N. (2013) Nat. Comm. 4:2833

January, 2011
Maeda H, Yoo H, and Doudareva N. (2011) Nat. Chem. Biol. 7:19-21.

July 1, 2010
Ganguly A, Lee SH, Cho MS, Lee OR, Yoo H, and Cho HT. (2010) Plant Physiol. 153:1046-1061

Kyounghee has been selected for the Sejong Science Fellowship Grants (Overseas Training Track) from the National Research Foundcation of Korea. Congratulations!
Coby Wellman Joins the lab as rotation student. Hunter David Rose and Victoria (Tori) MC Knight join the lab as undergraduate students. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Hunter David Rose received the Fall 2024 semester Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) award. Congratulations!
Lorenzo Mena received Utah Genetics Training Grant. Congratulations!
Alyssa Marie Curtis and Mariana Lico De Freitas earned their Bachelor's Degrees!
Congratulations on your graduation!
Colton Gschwandtner Joins the lab as rotation student. Lauren Thompson, Payton Carlile, Nathan Michlig, and Andrew Butler join the lab via 2024 SRI stream. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Alyssa Marie Curtis and Haley Welker received the Spring 2024 semester Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) award. Congratulations!
Dr. Yoo has received the ASPB Women’s Young Investigator Travel Award (WYITA) for 2024. Congratulations!
Dr. Kyounghee Lee joins the lab as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Haley Welker received the Fall 2023 semester Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) award. Congratulations!
Akila Chalapathi received the a Biology Research Scholar Award for Summer and Fall 2023. Congratulations!
Janint Camacho received the Summer 2023 semester Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) award. Congratulations!
Amanda Navodani has received the 2023 Women's Faculty Council Student Research Award. Congratulations!
Haley Welker Joins the lab as an ACCESS scholar. Ella Smith, Kara Nicola, Mariana Lico De Freitas, and Yu-An (Andy) Chan join the lab via 2023 SRI stream. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Akila Chalapathi, Alyssa Marie Curtis, and Janint Camacho received the Spring 2023 semester Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) award. Congratulations!
Lorenzo Mena, Lauren Eads, and Kate Christensen Joins the lab as a Fall rotation student. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Amanda Navodani has been selected as a winner of the 3MT competition from the College of Art & Science at Oklahoma State University. Congratulations!
Jiyeon Hyun joins the lab as a Fall rotation student. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Claire Sailoung Palmer and Janint Camacho join the lab as Undergraduate Research Assistants. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Dr. Saborni Maiti joins the lab as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Akila Chalapathi and Claire Sailoung Palmer received the Fall 2022 semester Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) award. Congratulations!
Samuel Marston joins the lab as a Research Assistant. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Zoe Siebert earned the Bachelor's Degree! Congratulations on your graduation!
Akila Chalapathi joins the lab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Alyssa Marie Curtis joins the lab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant. Welcome to the HYoo lab!
Heejin Yoo lab is relocated to the University of Utah at Salt Lake City. Our lab is looking for postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduate students.
Kelsey Crutison and Megan Adler earned their Bachelor's Degrees!
Congratulations on your graduation!
Darci Peach joins the lab as Undergraduate Research Assistants. Welcome to the Yoo lab!
Kylie Spradling joins the lab. She is a Morrison High School student and plans to do research in Yoo Lab during 2021 Fall semester. Welcome to the Yoo lab!
Vanesa Bedolla joins the lab. She is a Morrison High School student and plans to do summer research in Yoo Lab. Welcome to the Yoo lab!
Emma Philbin and Ryan Lundy earned their Bachelor's Degrees!
Congratulations on your graduation!
Zoe Siebert has received the 2021 Women's Faculty Council Student Research Award. Congratulations!

Positions Available
***Important Notice*** - Please avoid the use of the 'Let's chat' / 'Contact Us' option.
The laboratory of Dr. Heejin Yoo is seeking highly motivated postdoc, graduate and undergraduate students. The research in Yoo lab is to understand molecular mechanisms of how plants control translational regulation and metabolic dynamics during plant innate immunity. We will explore novel genes and defense mechanisms linked to the regulation of metabolic pathways, which will be applied to crop plants to improve disease resistance and yield.
Main interested in the research on the regulatory mechanism of salicylic acids in plants and translational regulation during plant systemic immunity are encouraged to apply. Experience in CRISPR gene editing and bioinformatic analysis using RNA-seq and Ribo-seq is desirable for postdoc application.
Postdoc associate
Please contact Dr. Yoo directly (heejin.yoo@biology.utah.edu) with the attachment of a CV and a statement of your research experience/accomplishment including Laboratory Experience and Skills.​​
Graduate students
Anyone who is interested in HYoo Lab needs to apply through the Molecular, Cellular, & Evolutionary Biology (MCEB) program at the School of Biological Sciences or Molecular Biology (MB) of Bioscience Graduate programs. After admission, please contact Dr. Yoo ((heejin.yoo@biology.utah.edu) if you are interested in rotation.
How to apply for MCEB program: https://www.biology.utah.edu/graduate-admissions/
How to apply for MB program: https://bioscience.utah.edu/prospective/guidelines.php
Undergraduate Researchers
10 hours per week is expected for undergraduate research.
Please contact Dr. Yoo directly (heejin.yoo@biology.utah.edu) with the attachment of a CV.
Dr. Yoo has received the 2021 Arthur C. Neish Young Investigator Award from Phytochemical Society of North America (PSNA). Congratulations!
Dr. Yoo has received the 2021 ICAR Early Career Award from The North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee (NAASC). Congratulations!
Dr. Yoo’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Student Technology Fee proposal has been selected for funding from CAS, Oklahoma State University. This grant will be used to establish the Volatile Collection System to analyze volatile organic compounds from plants. Congratulations!
Dr. Yoo's FY22 College of Arts and Sciences Research (ASR) Program proposal was selected for funding. Congratulations!
Rachel Crittell has been awarded the PBEE Undergraduate Scholarship. Congratulations!
Rabia Ahuja and Amanda Navodani join the lab as the First Graduate Students.
Ryan Lundy joins the lab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant.
Welcome to the Yoo lab!
Rachel Crittell re-joins the lab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant. Welcome back!
Megan Adler, Maddi Evans, and Stephanie C. Stephenson join the lab as Undergraduate Research Assistants. Welcome to the Yoo lab!
Rachel Crittell has received Deacon Bill Dunbar Memorial Scholarship. Congratulations!
Zoe Siebert has received Library Research Award. Congratulations!
Emma Philbin joins the lab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant. Welcome to the Yoo lab!
Eli Valentine joins the lab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant. Welcome to the Yoo lab!
Dr. Yoo has received FY 2020 Spring Travel Award from the CAS, Oklahoma State University. Congratulations!
Rachel Crittell and Zoe Siebert join the lab as Freshmen Research Scholars. Welcome to the Yoo lab!
Kelsey Crutison joins the lab as the FIRST Undergraduate Research Assistant. Welcome to the Yoo lab!
First day of the Yoo lab!

Contact Us
School of Biological Sciences
The University of Utah
Aline Skaggs Biology Building (ASB)
257 1400 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Phone: 801-581-7882
Research Lab: ASB 460
Office: ASB 462A